


about us

HUANGSHAN BENWOO was founded in 1998, specializing in automotive aluminium radiators, condensers, intercoolers & heaters. A total more than one thousand kinds of models, include Japan, Korea, Europe, the United States, and Chinese-made cars. With good quality, excellent inexpensive price, variety complete, we are mainly export-oriented and strongly developing the international market.

Our company always adhere to the "excellence of product and service to customers First" production management concept and the guidelines. We provide new and old customers the general high quality and first-class service with excellent quality, scientific management, advanced technology, sophisticated equipment, reasonable prices . 
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product center
Brazed Radiator 4F0121251AE
Mechanical Radiator 8D0121251P
Heat Exchanger 3C0819031
Oil Cooler LPD47391
Condenser 80110SWNW01
Intercooler 8W0145805N
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昭平县| 清涧县| 中阳县| 改则县| 呼和浩特市| 石家庄市| 喜德县| 垦利县| 繁昌县| 东光县| 青川县| 城固县| 天水市| 新丰县| 克拉玛依市| 托克逊县| 贵港市| 广汉市| 邹城市| 留坝县| 乌海市| 连山| 蓝山县| 尼勒克县| 信阳市| 清原| 永顺县| 镇宁| 郓城县| 米易县| 密山市| 霍山县| 治县。| 馆陶县| 图木舒克市| 宣武区| 勃利县| 通州区| 互助| 精河县| 孝感市|